St. Joseph’s School offers learning support and enrichment opportunities for students needing extra help or added challenges. Our staff includes dedicated Learning Specialists who work closely with classroom teachers, parents and administrators in addressing each student’s individual needs. Together, this team determines appropriate accommodations and modifications to the curriculum to best guide each student toward success.
Grades K-3
Students in grades K – 3 who have been identified as needing instructional support, are served by our Learning Specialist. Students receive individual or small group support in the areas of language arts and mathematics.
Grades 4-5
Students in grades 4 – 5, receive both individual or small group support in the areas of language arts, mathematics and science. Direct support may also be provided in the classroom. Students have opportunities for oral testing and re-teaching as needed.
Our Learning Specialists work closely with Independent District #197 personnel to ensure qualified students receive the appropriate special education services entitled to them by law. One of St. Joseph's School's Learning Specialists attends all District #197 meetings and serves as the liason between the district, school and parents.
District 197 provides on-site speech therapists to St. Joseph’s School two days per week, allowing students with speech needs to meet with a specialist during the school day without leaving the St. Joseph’s campus.
Students who are high achievers, creative thinkers and/or gifted learners, benefit from enriching and challenging activities and opportunities. We are committed to providing opportunities designed to enrich, sustain, engage, challenge and ensure these students’ continued growth.
In the classroom
Classroom teachers utilize differentiation of instruction, flexible grouping, opportunities for advanced or challenging projects, supplemental materials and outside resources to meet the needs of their high potential students.